
sign of a person farting

Trip Highlights: Farting with confidence!

Often during a tour, one of my travelers says something delightfully memorable.

This time, it was a septuagenarian coming off a rough day. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the backstory:

I was leading a group from the U.S. in Cuba. During our walking tour of Old Havana, right outside the cathedral, I looked over and saw a traveler with a look on her face. I didn’t know what it meant, but whatever it was, it was serious. I went over to check on her, and it turned out to be a sudden attack of traveler’s diarrhea. That happens sometimes when you travel. This one was a doozy, and she was panicking. I identified a restroom she could use nearby and walked her to it. Crisis averted.

The next day, she cheerfully delivered a remark that will always stay with me: “It’s so nice, being able to fart with confidence again.”

Havana's Cathedral Square

Havana’s Plaza de la Catedral. The building on the right is the cathedral.

Photo credit: Gorupdebesanez

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