Video of a tour: Behind the scenes
I’m thrilled to have a new video featuring the travelers on a recent trip! One of them is a videographer… and he did an amazing job. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is:
Almost all the footage and photos were shot by Caleb of Shattered Glass Productions.. He also did the editing. I couldn’t be happier with it… and when my dad saw the video, he said I should take Caleb with me on every trip! Thanks, Caleb.
The flight at the beginning of the video is from San Juan to the island of Vieques. (And yes, there’s a ferry option if you’re not into small planes.)
The dancing at 0:34 is an election rally for one of the local candidates. They were dancing to a cover of Echa Pa’lla on an endless loop. A lot of candidates do that – park a truck with a huge sound system in the town square, or send it driving around, blaring campaign songs or slogans. Guess how many loops of that song I heard before it got super annoying?
I got a question about what the group’s doing at 1:15. We’re having a picnic of conch, shrimp, and octopus salads… with rice and beans on the side and bread pudding for dessert. The conch salad was the clear winner, as far as I’m concerned.
At 3:11, we’re visiting with a guy whose family has manufactured rum for a couple hundred years. The rum is aged in wooden barrels, normally for 3 to 10 years… but some barrels were older than we were. There’s even one dating back to 1942, which they’ll only unseal when Puerto Rico gains its independence. What everyone’s sniffing is a stopper from one of the barrels.
Finally, at 3:59, there’s a to-go box showing food from a lechonera. When I took the group there to feast, and filled a table with tons of food, I forgot to take pictures! Oy. So this to-go box is when I went a different day on my own and got some food to go.
Any other questions about something you see in the video?
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